2021 Annual Report
February 22, 2022

Hello to the Foundation for Community Care's Friends, Donors, and Stewards, 

My goals for this annual report are: to inform you on how donations are brought into the Foundation, what funds benefit from donations and events, and how the community benefits from those gifts. 

I hope to accomplish these three goals by telling you a few stories, showing you some pictures, and breaking down the numbers into graphics that make sense. 

Since everyone has a preferred leaning style, I hope to touch on everyone's favorite so each one of you take away something meaningful from this report.

It is always the Foundation's priority to be authentic and transparent with the public. That's why this report is so important. We all know how numbers can be manipulated into telling whatever story we want them to. As you read along, please notice the side notes. These are clarifying anecdotes that will show the "whole picture" of an event or fundraiser.

All of us at the Foundation for Community Care hope you find this information enlightening and inspiring. We also hope that it gives you faith in the work we do every day to ensure access to excellent, lifelong healthcare services for our community.

To Your Health, 

Melissa Boyer, CFRE
Foundation for Community Care

View 2021 Annual Report